pondělí 25. června 2018

Pojídači ovcí

"Pojídači ovcí" stands for The sheep eaters in Czech. It's not meant derogatory. It's about us, the four friends travelling the Azerbaijan, and eating a lot lot of mutton shashliks and kebabs and pitis and ...

This page is incomplete, after I finish all the logging, more logs will be added below.

24.6. - 5.7.2018 [FOUND] 67 [DNF] 6 L 2 M 2 R 2 T 47 U 1 V 13

neděle 17. června 2018

A cestou, paprsky...

17. - 19.6.2018 [FOUND] 25 M 3 T 19 U 3

sobota 9. června 2018

sobota 2. června 2018

Koloběh na Hané

2.6.2018 [FOUND] 30 [DNF] 3 T 29 U 1