sobota 7. května 2011

Kam s tou lodí?

7.5.2011[FOUND] 7 T 7

15:11TGC2G10MKanoe bude derava... (netojester)
15:37TGC1NVHHUnterseeboote-Ponorky (Viki78, MCE05)
15:56TGC1TZXXSlavny archivar/ Berühmte Archivar (kostapanaj)
16:27TGC1AXXGAltes Rathaus/Old Townhall (Vicente23)
17:10TGC2RCKQFlug der Falken (SLAMIR)
18:32TGC28QRKSchatzinsel (geo-halu)
19:03TGC2KM1WZidovsky hrbitov / Jewish Cemetery (JackONeill)

[FOUND] GC2G10M - Kanoe bude derava... (netojester, placed 1.10.2010)

#1389 15:11 - Pekná taškarice, naše první vodní na našem odpoledním výletu s lodí.
Keš se nedá odlovit nenápadne, urcite ne ve dne a nejspíš ani v noci - rybárstvo je podobne šílené jako kacerstvo a nezná odpocinku.
A tak jsme už pri obhlídce terénu zaslechli: "Hledáte místo na chytání?"
"Nee, jen koukáme, jak se dostat na ten ostruvek."
"Nijak," povídá rybár.
"My máme s sebou lod..."
"No tak to jó."
A dál v pohode, jen koukali, jestli jim nejezdíme pres vlasce, na což jsme dávali pozor. Provedli jsme - tuším - tri nájezdy, aby se ke krabicce v našem malém clunku dostal každý. Hezounká keška!

[FOUND] GC1NVHH - Unterseeboote-Ponorky (Viki78, placed 18.3.2009 by Viki78, MCE05)

#1390 15:37 - Jedeme terénní Felicií od kánoe a ríkáme si "Ponorky? Tady?" a najednou "Ohóó! Už to vidím!" a nemuseli jsem ani zamerovat! (Což jsme stejne udelali, jistota je jistota!)
Díkeš za vtipnou keš!

[FOUND] GC1TZXX - Slavny archivar/ Berühmte Archivar (kostapanaj, placed 21.6.2009)

#1391 15:56 - Oddychovka cestou Südmähren do severního Weinviertelu. A taková trochu poucná, o slavném archivári jsem dosud nevedel. Potešilo mne, že po "slavné" revoluci 1918 se nevrátil do náruce národovecké vlasti, ale zustal verný svému povolání. A navíc se venoval osvetové práci bez ohledu na nové hranice.
Díky za seznámení se zajímavou osobností.

[FOUND] GC1AXXG - Altes Rathaus/Old Townhall (Vicente23, placed 4.4.2008)

#1392 16:27 - Thanks to OpenCycleMaps we navigated our car easily on a square and parked about 30 m from the cache. We came directly to it and started logging in seconds. During this time a man on bicycle came nearby and began with examination of the ancient building, window frame, staircase etc. He was clearly another cacher and didn't consider us as his colleagues. ;)
So we showed him a container and asked "Are you looking for this?" At first he ignored us, but then something switched on beneath his helmet and shortly we learned he was a member of a biking expedition going from Blava to Znojmo, but the only cacher. We wished good hunters luck, mutually, and parted then.
Thanks for the cache!

[FOUND] GC2RCKQ - Flug der Falken (SLAMIR, placed 2.4.2011)

#1393 17:10 - We were about 400 m before the cache, when we met two policemen halting the traffic. So we stopped. There was a kind of cross-country race running there, the participants came (ran) from the right hand side (South). At first young and middle age man, in full strength, then women, then fat and older ones of both genders. People were standing near the crossing, inviting and encouraging their champions, relatives and acquaitances.
Then we were release and at the head of small column of cars we reached the parking, picked the cache, logged and continued.
In the next village we were stopped again, by one corpulent policeman this time. The race was coming from North here. Though this policeman was more flexible - he watched the approaching racers and when there were no one coming, he let the cars pass not waiting for the closing comissioner.

[FOUND] GC28QRK - Schatzinsel (geo-halu, placed 17.5.2010)

#1394 18:32 - Nice cache on a nice island. But we cannot to enjoy it as we had hoped, because we had a conflict with the pond owner. (I've decribed it in my warning Note.) In my opinion the problem is, that the pond is right in the village and so the owner can watch continuously. :(
Another problem is, that the owner cannot speak English (or Czech) and I almost can't speak German. The risks of caching abroad, though only some hundred meters...
Nevertheless, thanks for the cache. :)

[FOUND] GC2KM1W - Zidovsky hrbitov / Jewish Cemetery (JackONeill, placed 27.3.2011)

#1395 19:03 - Když jsme se ke keši blížili, myslel jsem, že to bude jen taková díkyzabodovka. Ale privedla nás k nádherné bílé stavbicce (byt smutného úcelu), zvlášte krásné v pozdne odpoledním slunci.

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