neděle 19. prosince 2010

Vindobona Vocant

18.12.2010 [FOUND] 8 B 1 M 1 R 2 T 1 U 2 W 1

Poslední adventní sobotu jsem jel do Vídně vyzvednout dítě vracející se z Coimbry na vánoční prázdniny. A protože vzdušný spoj přilétal plánovaně ve tři čtvrti na deset, bylo by škoda nevyužít dne k lovu v  císařském hlavním městě.

12:49UGC1E8N1Seegrotte (Trinety)
13:45RGC1VJDMSeegrotte Hinterbrühl (rix69)
14:43BGC169RKEarly 90ies– revived 1st Austrian hybrid Letterbox (blue danube family)
17:21TGC1ZYMVBrauerei in Wien #4 (sudhaus)
17:34WGCMCX5Fritzicam Donauradweg (Kottan)
17:40UGC1EH4GEigenwertproblem (Falkenflieger)
19:10RGC1WG3RDonauinsel / Danube Island (Lord Harry)
21:17MGCRC8YRathausmänner (Kottan)

Plány jsem si udělal celkem ambiciózní:
  1. Odlovit co nejvíce druhů keší za den a překonat svůj dosavadní rekord čtyř.
  2. Odlovit všechny keše typu Wherigo (1), Webcam (3), Letterbox Hybrid (8) a Earth (5), co jich ve Vídni je (eventy se bohužel žádné nekonaly).
  3. A tyto exotické typy doplnit všemi pěti mysterkami, co jsem si připravil, a co největším počtem tradiček a multin.
Z tohoto velmi optimistické plánu se mi podařilo splnit jen bod 1. Ale i tak to byl pěkný výlet, zakončený - jak vidíte v podrobné tabulce - u Vídeňské radnice s jejím vánočním trhem, váničním punčem, vánočními buřtíky, vánočními langoši, ... :-)

[Found it] GC1E8N1 - Seegrotte (Trinety, placed 17.7.2008)

#1086 12:49 - Unexpectedly easy to find and - with no question - a winterproof cache!

After I've spent some night time looking for answers throughout the internet, I've become very interested in visiting the Seegrote. I came there about a half to one p.m. and after twenty fice minutes of waiting I entered the premises. We were only three, the guide, me and my ex-father-in-law. The guide took a casette player with Czech audio, so most stops were just about plugging the player into the power, starting it and listening. The man (Erich Mühlbacher, as I learned on, however, was fluent both in German (which could had been expected) and English, too. More fluent than me, actually.

But the most marvelous part of the visit was the sail. As we were only three and the boats are very very quiet, we sailed in a magical silence. The surface was so still, that there were almost no splashing too. Highly recommended - come to visit the Seegrote in a sleepy winter early afternoon, your € 9 will really worth.

Thanks for the cache!

[Found it] GC169RK - Early 90ies– revived 1st Austrian hybrid Letterbox (blue danube family, placed 30.9.2007)

#1088 14:43 - The first letterbox hybrid I've found ever!

I was on this trip with my muggle ex-father-in-law Jirí (we came to Vienna to pick up my daughter, i.e. his grand-daughter, returning late evening for Christmass from Portugal). He had no personal plan how to spend the day, so was comming with me. We just visited the Seegrotte down in the valey and saw the height of the hills all around so I revised my initial plan to find all the letterboxes in Mödling area. I choose to find only one, this one.

We found a path rising along the garden fences up the hill. Jirí is a sportsman, race runner, he still runs for fun, so he's in very good conditions for his age (about 70 or so). But after several steps on the icy path he lost his confidence, he wore winter shoes, but the city one, his bones were (are) more fragile then mine, you know. But, I really wanted this cache. ;) So I had to persuade him, a bit... and soon we climbed on. And it worthed the risk. After a couple of minutes we were on the level of the Mödling castle ruins and enjoyed beautiful views over the Hinterbrühl valey. Then we joined a major foothpath, near Pffefersbühle, ruins and the rest of the way was just a pleasant walk.

To the cache I had to descend myself, of course, but I brought it to Jirí, to show him. At about that time the Sun broke through clouds and the views were even better, so we enjoyed our way back, too. In short we were safaly back to my car and headed to Vienna.

Thanks for the cache and the wonderful trip we were allowed to take to reach it! :)

[Found it] GC1ZYMV - Brauerei in Wien #4 (sudhaus, placed 17.10.2009)

#1089 17:21 - When I was pacing the deserted street to the Fritzicam Donauradweg webcam cache, I noticed, that I was passing a trditional cache with so beauteautiful name Brauerei in Wien #4! I had to stop here, log me, put a coin there a pick a coin and a TB from there. Thanks for an easy, though a nice cache!

[Webcam Photo Taken] GCMCX5 - Fritzicam Donauradweg (Kottan, placed 1.1.2005)

#1090 17:34 - My first Webcam Cache! I've "found" several (one, two?) traditional caches mimicing this grandfathered type, but this one is my first genuine one. It was a chilly evening, when I came here, and stepped "2 steps forward", "a step to the right", "3 steps back" and so on, dirigated by my nephew from Brno. But finally we managed to find usable spot a the picture was taken!

Thanks for the cache!

[Found it] GC1EH4G - Eigenwertproblem (falkenflieger, placed 25.7.2008 by Falkenflieger)

#1091 17:40 - This cache took about two hours I could sleep instead. I quickly found necessary formulas and started to solve them; it was half past midnight. At half past two I wasn't finished and was prepared to give up. And at this moment a simple idea came through my head: "Eigenvalue is so well defined and quite simple mathematical phenomenon, that there have to be an online calculator for sure." And indeed, during next five minutes I found a calculator, entered the matrixes in it, wrote the eigenvalues down and got the final coordinates. :)

I came to the cache from Fritzicam Donauradweg along the Danube. The path was covered by snow and restaurant and excursion ships anchored at quays, lit by floodlights and torches. Beautiful. Then we reached the computed coordinates and quickly found the box at the expactable place.

Thanks for the cache!

[Found it] GCRC8Y - Rathausmänner (Kottan, placed 22.12.2005)

#1093 21:17 - The Christmass Market was the last site I visited during my Saturday stay in Vienna. Sure, I couldn't ommit it. A cup of hot punsch was occupied my mind at least from the moment, when the Sun set and the frost became more and more intesive. So I bought one excelent cup of Lemek's original Kirschpunsch, then a branenwurst mit senf, then a hot-dog mit käsewurst and then, ... then I was ready for another cache!

Thank the author it is an easy offset cache, because I had to be at the airport at quarter to ten and I had not too much of spare time. The Dritter Mann is really amazing, interesting idea, indeed. My ex-father-in-law, a muggle and historician, who came with me, told me, that similar one was also in our home town, Brno (Brünn), then part of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, too. Looking for the cache wasn't easy, and we easily could not succeed, if one of our predecessors have not leave their tool nearby.

Thanks for the cahe!

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