sobota 23. dubna 2011

Portugalie 1

23.4.2011 [FOUND] 2 T 2

13:36TGC1779ZA Passagem [Cartaxo] (FamiliaSilvestre)
14:00TGC27Q7TR P B R - BEM-FICA (Cotateam)

[FOUND] GC1779Z - A Passagem [Cartaxo] (FamiliaSilvestre, placed 3.11.2007)

#1326 13:36 - The first cache I've found in Portugal and the Western hemisphere, too. After the accindental crossing of the Vasco da gama Bridge I eventually approached the planned route from Lisboa to Coimbra and saw first green boxes on my GPSr. I was really pleased, that the first cache I'd visited was such a fine one. :) The bridge is a nice example of industrial architeture and also of smart decision making - once it became uncapable to serve its original purpose it's been used to improve local transportation. Thanks for the cache!

[FOUND] GC27Q7T - R P B R - BEM-FICA (Cotateam, placed 30.4.2010)

#1327 14:00 - This was an easy one, but it gave me opportunity to meet the portuguese street architecture for the first time. Thaks for the cache!

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